As each has received a gift, use it to serve another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
Reaching people for Christ through lifestyle evangelism, advertising, seeker-oriented events and felt-need ministries.
Our Mission:
• Turn spiritual seekers and casual attenders into passionate followers of Christ.
• Provide opportunities for utilizing the strategy of “Eternal CPR” (cultivating, planting and reaping) in designing seeker-oriented events.
• Mobilize members of Lockport Alliance Church for passionate evangelistic outreach through special events designed to meet the felt needs of seekers, “servant evangelism”, and training opportunities.
Our Mission:
• Turn spiritual seekers and casual attenders into passionate followers of Christ.
• Provide opportunities for utilizing the strategy of “Eternal CPR” (cultivating, planting and reaping) in designing seeker-oriented events.
• Mobilize members of Lockport Alliance Church for passionate evangelistic outreach through special events designed to meet the felt needs of seekers, “servant evangelism”, and training opportunities.
Local Outreach and Ministry Partners
Learn more about the organizations in the Lockport Area that have partnered with LAC to reach and meet the needs of those in our community.
Lockport C.A.R.E.S. Homeless Shelter
Lockport Care-Net Pregnancy Center
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
Habitat for Humanity
Salvation Army
Learn more about the organizations in the Lockport Area that have partnered with LAC to reach and meet the needs of those in our community.
Lockport C.A.R.E.S. Homeless Shelter
Lockport Care-Net Pregnancy Center
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
Habitat for Humanity
Salvation Army